Generator Cardboard Build Status

Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a web app complete with a virtual reality environment built with THREE.js which is Google Cardboard compatible.


Getting Started

Third-Party Dependencies


Third-party dependencies are managed with grunt-wiredep. Add new dependencies using Bower and then run the Grunt task to load them:

$ bower install --save jquery
$ grunt wiredep

This works if the package author has followed the Bower spec. If the files are not automatically added to your source code, check with the package's repo for support and/or file an issue with them to have it updated.

To manually add dependencies, bower install --save depName to get the files, then add a script or style tag to your index.html or another appropriate place.

The components are installed in the root of the project at /bower_components. To reference them from index.html, use src="bower_components" or src="/bower_components". Treat the bower_components directory as if it was a sibling to index.html.

Testing Note: a project checked into source control and later checked out needs to have bower install run from the test folder as well as from the project root.



See the yeoman contributing docs.


BSD license